drums | distributed robot monitoring system =========================================== *drums* is a distributed monitoring tool developed as part of a research project at `Autonomy Lab `_, `Simon Fraser University `_. *drums* consist of two major components, a distributed monitoring system to monitor resource consumption at host, process and individual network connection level called :doc:`drums_daemon` and an adapter for :abbr:`ROS (Robot Operating System)` to dynamically monitor any single-master ROS deployment called :doc:`drums_ros `. .. `drums_daemon` provides a :doc:`REST-based API ` for registering and modifying monitoring tasks. It publishes collected statistics (which is `msgpack `_ encoded) periodically through `ZeroMQ publishers `_. `drums_ros` is a ROS node which constantly monitors the state of ROS' computation graph, registers/removes/modifies monitoring tasks to `drums_daemon` agents, aggregate statistics from all daemons and publishes the aggregated data as ROS diagnostics messages or to time series databases such as `Carbon `_ or `InfluxDB `_. Contents: .. toctree:: drums_daemon drums_daemon_restapi drums_ros :maxdepth: 2 Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`